Sunday, October 12, 2008

The kids built a tower out of little cups and couldn't wait to knock them down. After they obliterated the tower with the Nerf machine gun we all donned goggles and sunglasses and had an all out Nerf war. We shot each other as fast as we could. We had no rules other than - inflict as much pain as possible on mom and dad. At one point Mom said she tasted blood. Dad took that as a threat and a warning so he took aim. Mom said, "No. I really taste blood!" Her lip was split. Mom kept trying to aim at Dad's chest but was instinctly drawn to aim for his face. Unfortunately Dad was a better shot. Clay was the scariest. He had no fear and walked within inches of Mom or Dad before pulling the trigger. Emmie mostly wanted to be shot. It was so much fun and we all rolled around laughing. What a great way to spend the morning! I'm sure we will have to re-educate the kids about the importance of safety and caution in play. We've probably done irreparable damage that we'll be sorry for later. But it was worth it!

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