Friday, February 27, 2009

Emmie Lost Her First Tooth - Literally!

Emmie's front bottom 2 teeth came in before her baby teeth had a chance to fall out. They were not even loose enough for us to sneak in and pull them out while she was asleep. It's been about 2 months since the first tooth started to poke through. Today Scott noticed her tooth looked a little dark. Actually it was gone. Emmie literally lost her first tooth. She had no idea where it was or that it had even fallen out. Emmie was worried about the Tooth Fairy not knowing she lost a tooth so she decided to write a note. She wanted to write. "Dear Tooth Fairy, I lost a tooth, but I lost it." That didn't quite sound right to her so she came up with another way to write it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your sign, Emmie.