Saturday, January 31, 2009

Trip to the Doctor

We took the kids to visit the doctor. The nurse asked them to take their clothes off and gave them sheets to cover up. She told them they were capes. Instead of wearing them Superman style they wore them Little Red Riding Hood style. By the time the doctor came in they were wadded up in a ball on the floor and the kids were bouncing around in their underwear. The kids are healthy as ever.

Here is Clay showing off his band aids and muscles. We told the kids the blood pressure cuff was checking for muscles. Clay had to have his kindergarten shots. Can you believe it's already time to register him for school beginning in August? Scott told him shots were something all cowboys and army guys needed to get. Clay had 4 shots in his arms! He was so brave and didn't even flinch for the first 3. The last one was a doozy and put him over the edge. The one with tetanus is the most painful of all of them.

We took the kids to Mimi's for lunch for being so brave. Clay's poor arms were so sore he couldn't lift them. I had to feed him like I would a baby. He actually really enjoyed that and ate a ton. When I was trying to eat a bit myself he was impatient and tried to eat without help.
The poor guy broke out in a rash at bedtime. Then he was up in the middle of the night shaky, feverish and feeling like he was going to throw up. He was sick the next 2 days. He's always been sensitive to everything. When he had the chicken pox shot when he was 1 1/2 he actually broke out in chicken pox. It just doesn't seem fair. But now he's ready for kindergarten and he can't wait!

1 comment:

joanne said...

why do i have to wear a shirt.. clay doesnt! SKYLA