Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Emmie's Yard Sale

Emmie collected a bunch of items from her room that she was willing to give up. Without our knowledge she set up tables of merchandise, made a sign and set up her cash register in front of the garage. We bought some of her things from her and she charged fair prices. We had to shower and get ready to leave for the evening after the sale. We came out to get everyone loaded in the car and Emmie was still manning her yard sale. She had been there for an hour sitting in a folding chair and reading a book waiting for customers. It was so cute and heartbreaking at the same time. We don't live within view of any streets so no customers were going to just pop in. She closed up for the day and then brought it all back out the next day. She was really determined to make some sales. She made $4.87 off of us.
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