Sunday, April 5, 2009

Packing for Vacation

Emmie and Clay have been busy this morning packing for vacation to Monterey. It's their favorite place in the world. I'm sure this is only because we haven't yet taken them to Disneyland. This is Emmie's suitcase so far. These are the things she can't bear to part with for 3 days. There are more toys than clothes AND most of the toys are things she hasn't even touched in months. The Whoopee Cushion is priceless! Em said it was to wake up mom and dad in the middle of the night. This is still a work in progress. She is still sorting through her things for more treasures to stuff in the suitcase.Clay has the bare essentials. He has the otter (we are going to Monterey after all), a bell to also wake up mom and dad, and a game. He packed 1 pair of shorts, 1 pair of jeans and 1 short sleeve shirt. He wasn't sure if it would be warm for shorts or cold for pants. I had to capture this even though we are running crazy this morning trying to get things squared away before General Conference starts.


joanne said...

the whoopi coushin is the BEST!!! Emmie really knows how to pack! where did you find the animal donimos? so awsome!!! have a great vacation! we want to see lots of pics on your blog when you get back!!

Keri said...

Hope you guys are having a great time! Wish we could have gone too. I of course didn't end up having jury duty, luckily. So we are finding other ways to fill our days!