Friday, November 14, 2008

Working on Getting to Heaven

The kids were inside and driving me crazy so I told them to go out. They wouldn't budge. So I gave them a choice 1. Go out and play or 2. Help clean the playroom. Easy Choice! They took off like a shot and went to the playground. Today I asked them if they wanted to help me and they both screamed, "Run! Mom's coming!" I'm glad when they go out but I would like them to help. "Help Mom" has become code for "Quick, run to the playground!"
Today Emmie and Clay were out by the playground and I overheard Clay say he wanted to go to see Jesus. Emmie was telling him to stand on one end of a ramp so she could put rocks, sticks and leaves on the other end to catapult him up to heaven. He was getting very impatient and demanding. Emmie was all too happy to help him get up to heaven as soon as possible. She doesn't quite understand physics or simple machines so Clay didn't get to see Jesus yet. Clay better be nice to Emmie or she will figure a way to send him to heaven one day. The kids were saying that actually Scott will get to go to heaven first because he is 39 and that's so old. They say they will continue to work on getting Clay to heaven but it will take a lot of dirt.

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