Sunday, November 16, 2008

Caught in the Candy Cupboard

Emmie was missing for awhile and I went to find her so she could help us carry some things to the basement. I found her in the laundry room eating Mini M&Ms. She would barely pause long enough to tell me what had happened as she stuffed them in her mouth. The kids stack the clean laundry baskets up and use them to climb up on the counter next to the laundry sink. It drives me crazy! I store all the candy high up in a cupboard to try and control the kids from eating it all the time. After Emmie had gotten what she wanted this time she jumped off the counter and hooked her belt loop on the drawer pull. She was just tall enough to reach the floor but not tall enough to unhook her pants. I asked her to tell me what happened and she sort of spit it out in between M&Ms. She wailed, "Can somebody help me?!?" So I suggested we get Scott. She nodded yes then thought about it and said, "No! Dad will be angry!" I went to get Dad of course because it was too funny to just let her go. She could only walk as far as the drawer would pull out. I even took a video to torture her further. I actually sent it into AFV. So I'm not supposed to post it here, besides it would show how truly disorganized and messy I am. That would be pretty great, however, if it made it on the show mess or no mess. I'll let everyone know if anything happens with it. I think the best part of being a parent is laughing at your kids' expense.

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