Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Har Har

There was a big tree down across the driveway after the storm. We were taking the truck to get to the lower part of the property to go sledding. Scott didn't want to get out and walk and didn't want to try and move it. So he drove over it. That was simple enough. Unfortunately it wrapped itself around and up into the hitch. Scott dragged that 20 foot tree the entire length of the property. He said he was glad because it actually saved him time not having to load it up to take it to the burn pile. That part was fine but then it took him another half hour trying to get it to come loose from the truck. We sledded and laughed at him while he sweated it out trying to dislodged it. Clay said, "I don't think Dad has a brain." So true, so true my son.

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